Music Detail

Smile Empty Soul - Silhouettes was added to the Free2Music database on December 20, 2018. Published the day it was watched 672 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Smile Empty Soul


Shapeshifter - EP

Lyrics Title







silhouettes above the cradle, hold me down
they won't let me go the wrong way
my mother taught me all the fables, told me how
in the end all the sinners have to pay

i don't wanna live like my mother
i don't wanna let fear rule my life
and i don't wanna live like my father
i don't wanna give up before i die

he worked so hard his bones are breaking
he wore them down but long ago he lost the feeling
his good intentions leave me shaking, show me how
i don't ever want to end up like he did

i don't wanna live like my mother
i don't wanna let fear rule my life
and i don't wanna live like my father
i don't wanna give up before i die

when i have kids
i won't put any chains on their wrists, i won't
i'll tell them this
there's nothing in this world that you can't be
if you want it enough

i don't wanna live like my mother!
i don't wanna let fear rule my life!
and i don't wanna live like my father!
i don't wanna give up before i die!

i don't wanna live like my mother
i don't wanna let fear rule my life
and i don't wanna live like my father
i don't wanna give up before i die
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