Music Detail

Tyler Ward - Tribute (A Song For Haiti) was added to the Free2Music database on December 25, 2018. Published the day it was watched 665 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Tyler Ward

Lyrics Title







Today my heart was torn
Violence finally won the war
The crying of despair
Surfacing all my fears
I cannot believe
The images I've seen
What can I do?
I'll just pray for you
Cause we'll never really know
What you went through that day
And we'll never really know
All the right words to say
And we'll never really know
Why this took your life away
But it broke down my walls
And it helped me to change
Yes it broke down our walls
I hope we will change
So right across the nation
The tears and the frustration
Is there hope for what's to come?
Will we raise a family or a gun?
Cause I cannot believe
The images I've seen
What can I do?
I'll just pray for you
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