Takeoff - Vacation (Audio)

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Music Detail

Takeoff - Vacation (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on December 03, 2018. Published the day it was watched 801 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information






The Last Rocket

Lyrics Title





Hip-Hop Rap



I just took your bitch to Europe for a vacation (Europe)
I'm on perkies, I'm on syurp, nigga dumb wasted (Yeah)
Came from trappin' out that bando and it's still vacant (Bando, yeah)
You can tell I'm 'bout my paper by my conversation (Yeah, guap)
Gotta be a dime, I can't fuck with basics (Dime, gotta)
Like 'em plain jane like them Rollie faces (Plain, Rollie)
Never had a dollar, boy you too contagious (Never, no)
Ain't never heard 'bout Migos, boy you must be crazy (Huh? Yeah)

Plain jane like them Rollie faces (Hold on, ice)
Diamonds in my chain dancing, Temptations (Hold on)
The Ghost and Wraith and the Lam' I
bought just for racin' (Whew, yeah)
I'm not a racist but money come in Caucasian (White, guap)
Beat that pot and bowl
Beat that, beat that pot and bowl (Skrrt skrrt)
Keep on actin' bold, I'ma have to wipe his nose (Wipe)
You gon' pay a toll, boy you play a movie role (Cash out)
Don't make me go Marshawn Lynch on niggas, beast mode (Hurr)
Crack a seal on 'em, I got Act poured (Actavis)
I get high like that man with the afro (Afro)
Takeoff in that rocket, I'm an astro (Whew)
Gotta make sure fam straight, I'm the backbone

I just took your bitch to Europe for a vacation (Europe)
I'm on perkies, I'm on syurp, nigga dumb wasted (Yeah)
Came from trappin' out that bando and it's still vacant (Bando, yeah)
You can tell I'm 'bout my paper by my conversation (Yeah, guap)
Gotta be a dime, I can't fuck with basics (Dime, gotta)
Like 'em plain jane like them Rollie faces (Plain, Rollie)
Never had a dollar, boy you too contagious (Never, no)
Ain't never heard 'bout Migos, boy you must be crazy (Huh?)

I'm bag chasin' (Bag), the trap vacant (Bando)
Love blue hundreds but I'm bad with faces (I'm bad)
Walk off in the party and I'm white boy wasted (White boy)
Last pint of Act, paid a ticket just to taste it (Act)
Twenty-five thousand spent on one bracelet (Ice)
That's a lot of money we spendin' on occasion (Woo)
Take a private jet to Europe for vacation (Whew)
The way I ball, I make Curry be the agent (Ball)
It's amazin', it's crazy
The NFL Tom Brady, black Slim Shady
Gotta thank my mama, grandma, 'cause they helped make me (Mama)
Lookin' at your palms sweatin', in the cut, faded (Watch 'em)

I just took your bitch to Europe for a vacation (Europe)
I'm on perkies, I'm on syurp, nigga dumb wasted (Yeah)
Came from trappin' out that bando and it's still vacant (Bando, yeah)
You can tell I'm 'bout my paper by my conversation (Yeah, guap)
Gotta be a dime, I can't fuck with basics (Dime, gotta)
Like 'em plain jane like them Rollie faces (Plain, Rollie)
Never had a dollar, boy you too contagious (Never, no)
Ain't never heard 'bout Migos, boy you must be crazy (Huh?)
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