Ace Hood - Have Mercy

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Music Detail

Ace Hood - Have Mercy was added to the Free2Music database on November 28, 2018. Published the day it was watched 725 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Ace Hood


Trials & Tribulations (Deluxe Version)

Lyrics Title

Have Mercy




Hip-Hop Rap


Lord forgive ‘em, for they know not what they do
As I walk through that Valley of the Shadow of Death
See no pussy…

So I guess we finally meet again
Should I kill ‘em? Well, that all depends
Due to success I started losing friends
Nigga sleepin’, only reason he don’t follow trends
Never was a gimmick, the realest in it, come bear witness
And I see them rappers is actors, boy, they so Robin Givens
I kept it humble, my stomach grumble, my Rollie tickin’
They did me dirty, I may forgive ‘em, but won’t forget it
And not to mention, they wasn’t worthy of what I’m spittin’
It’s God’s will, and them haters just pray they could prevent it
I’m so addicted to gettin’ it, I need intervention
The hottest spittin’, your favorite rapper scared to admit it
Have mercy, let me bow my head
I count a million up, that’s daily bread
Ain’t no more humble in me, shit is dead
Tell them pussy niggas I ain’t never scared
Poor niggas hate to see a nigga win
Say you comin’ for me? Pussy nigga, when?
I been coldhearted since I lost a twin
I swear I love it when they hate, I made a hit again
I did this before my niggas, then
Use your bitch whenever like a membership
Never bothered over Twitter beef
We’ll probably never meet up where the money be
Me and Kiko on the wood, yeah, the money seats
Five grand just to see him hit a three
Balenciagas on a nigga feet
Death to the competition, may they rest in peace

I know my mama prayin’ for me, I hope your mama prayin’ too
‘Cause me and my niggas gotta eat, we’ll die over these canned foods
Have mercy on a real nigga, ‘cause I’m sinnin’ every day, Lord
Have mercy on a real nigga, ‘cause I’mma ride for my niggas, dog

What the fuck these niggas talkin’ ‘bout?
Load the choppers, bring them problems that they talkin’ ‘bout
Roll the reefer, no Khalifa, you gon’ ride or die
No homicide, it’s suicide before I testify
That’s on my daughter, I’m runnin’ Florida, no kinda, sorta
And I hear ‘em talkin’, that money callin’, them out of order
Yeah, nigga – fuck all that talkin’, be ‘bout it, then
A lot of small talk, there they go runnin’ their mouth again
Bold nigga, ‘til they meet them gorillas
Fuck a cavity, my niggas ain’t got no fillings
Money is the motive, family is the reason
On my mama, ain’t nobody ever came between it
And they never will, streets got me grippin’ steel
These scared niggas need to go to church or either Dr. Phil
I tell ‘em look me in my eyes, we are not the same
Lion-hearted nigga, gunpowder in my veins

Have mercy on ‘em…
Bow your head…

I know my mama prayin’ for me, I hope your mama prayin’ too
‘Cause me and my niggas gotta eat, we’ll die over these canned foods
Have mercy on a real nigga, ‘cause I’m sinnin’ every day, Lord
Have mercy on a real nigga, ‘cause I’mma ride for my niggas, dog

Pussy niggas still hatin’ hard
Bitch, I just went and bought the boulevard
Bitch, I just went and blew another check
‘Bout my money, catch a bullet tryna intercept
Jumpin’ up out that whip, I let my chain swing
Blood up on my sneakers like I gangbang
Every day’s a struggle tryna maintain
And free my real niggas in the chain gang
I hear them broke niggas still talkin’
Watch your words, do be very cautious
You threaten mine, you can pick a coffin
Ain’t no talkin’, tell ‘em shock it once it go to sparkin’
Self-made Rollie and a pair of Js
Hood nigga livin’ like I’m Bruce Wayne
New Ferrari kickin’ like it’s Liu Kang
Real nigga, ain’t it true? 2 Chainz

I know my mama prayin’ for me, I hope your mama prayin’ too
‘Cause me and my niggas gotta eat, we’ll die over these canned foods
Have mercy on a real nigga, ‘cause I’m sinnin’ every day, Lord
Have mercy on a real nigga, ‘cause I’mma ride for my niggas, dog
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