Sherwood Marty - Wild'n (WSHH Exclusive )

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Sherwood Marty - Wild'n (WSHH Exclusive ) was added to the Free2Music database on December 06, 2018. Published the day it was watched 629 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Sherwood Marty

Lyrics Title





Hip-Hop Rap


Sherwood Global nigga

Bankroll so big (so big, so big), it cannot fit in my pocket
Too much for it to fit in a wallet
I am the plug, I do not need a socket
I'm really deep in the paint like Ben Wallace
Get the backend and you know I divide it
I treat the beat like a horse and I ride it
Feelin' like DeJ, I bet you won't try me
Them young niggas be wildin', them young niggas be wildin'
Them young niggas be wildin', them young niggas be wildin'
Catch a body, laugh about it, man them niggas so childish
Them young niggas be wildin', them young niggas be wildin'

Them young niggas my niggas
You want some smoke, I'ma send 'em
Thankful they givin' November
My heart is cold like December
I'm from the 'Wood like some timber
We was broke, I remember
Until I turned to a dealer
My money long, just like ariver
You sure you want beef, them young niggas gon' eat
Them young niggas don't sleep, they gon' come spinnin' all week
Flood 'em with two twenty-threes
AR-15's, Carbon-15's, Glocks with the beams
Thirty-two shots in the Glock seventeen
If you take a nap you get left in your dream
Glock with the dick, it'll fuck up the scene
(Fuck up the scene, fuck up the scene)
Look like a kickstand when I'm on that lean
(I'm on that lean, I'm on that lean)
You gon' need shapes for the shit that I seen
(Shit that I seen, lil nigga)
You niggas green (green), just like some grass and some leaves

Bankroll so big (so big, so big), it cannot fit in my pocket
Too much for it to fit in a wallet
I am the plug, I do not need a socket
I'm really deep in the paint like Ben Wallace
Get the backend and you know I divide it
I treat the beat like a horse and I ride it
Feelin' like DeJ, I bet you won't try me
Them young niggas be wildin', them young niggas be wildin'
Them young niggas be wildin', them young niggas be wildin'
Catch a body, laugh about it, man them niggas so childish
Them young niggas be wildin', them young niggas be wildin'

Us young niggas go crazy, we got the dope like the eighties
I'm not no game, you can't play me
I'm with my dawgs, I feel like Lil Baby
We really strapped like we in the Navy
Too many chains, remind me of slavery
You want a verse, then you gotta pay me
I was on crabs, this rap shit saved me
I was posting racks on my Instagram
Now I rock red bottoms, I really feel like Cam
He play, I headshot him, I hit his diagram
And I can't find a nigga fly just like I am
Money we gettin' it, I really come from the trenches
Runnin' through hundreds and fifties
My niggas runwith them sticky
LA want me, come and get me
Ain't talkin' Cent, I got fifty
No this not Christmas, I'm gifted
They put that bag on my head and I lift it

Bankroll so big (so big, so big), it cannot fit in my pocket
Too much for it to fit in a wallet
I am the plug, I do not need a socket
I'm really deep in the paint like Ben Wallace
Get the backend and you know I divide it
I treat the beat like a horse and I ride it
Feelin' like DeJ, I bet you won't try me
Them young niggas be wildin', them young niggas be wildin'
Them young niggas be wildin', them young niggas be wildin'
Catch a body, laugh about it, man them niggas so childish
Them young niggas be wildin', them young niggas be wildin'

Yeah, yeah, them young niggas be wildin'
They wildin'
Yeah, them young niggas be wildin'
They wildin', yeah
Yeah, they wildin'
Yeah, them young niggas wildin'
They wildin', yeah
I got them young niggas, they wildin' out
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