Flo Rida - Sweetspot (feat. Jennifer Lopez) (Digi Extended Remix) (Audio)

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Flo Rida - Sweetspot (feat. Jennifer Lopez) (Digi Extended Remix) (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on November 22, 2018. Published the day it was watched 822 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Flo Rida Feat. Jennifer Lopez

Lyrics Title

Sweet Spot




Electronic Pop Funk/Soul Hip-Hop Rock


Let’s hit the sweet spot away, way, way
I, I’m ready to go, I want candy tonight
Let’s hit the sweet spot away, way, way
I, I’m ready to go, I want candy tonight

Yeah, I wanna take you back to my spot
You can be the candy girl in my shop
We both know what we craving, why not?
Make tonight first class with no stops
Girl you know, I run a love game, never play uno
You wanna leave, follow me to the 2 door
Rock your culo, love it when you call me your papi chulo
I got a thing for you, you got a thing for me
Heard she kissed the milky way and bring to life your fantasies
As we hit them up so make cool a
Touch them to make the seas split 2 ways
You’re in love with that too girl, don’t play
I’m just waiting to hear you say

Let’s hit the sweet spot away, way, way
I, I’m ready to go, I want candy tonight
Let’s hit the sweet spot away, way, way
I, I’m ready to go, I want candy tonight

Yeah, I wanna hit the spot and make you hot
And make you feel like everybody need to have it this week
Baby just a hit, just speak, I got your candy Shawty
Come around give it to you that deep
Uh, don’t you get me started, hit the after party
All the night, to a rave to freak that I take you home
Make you moan, watch the throne
And yeah mama I’m the king of these kicks, gotta love it
If you want it you can have it, no question
Been a whole lot of rubber that I’m touching
What you know about the candy I’m hustling, mustling
Talking that Russian
Bring it back like baby who you rushing
I feel ready, now my talk is sweet nut this
I’ll be the first to give your body sweet justice
So pack a luggage and let’s let’s...

Let’s hit the sweet spot away, way, way
I, I’m ready to go, I want candy tonight
Let’s hit the sweet spot away, way, way
I, I’m ready to go, I want candy tonight

Feel your guilty pleasure, come and get it tonight
You gon' get it tonight, oh ah, oh ah
Know what your body’s craving baby
I’ma bring you to life
You gonn get it tonight
Don’t be shy, let me take you for a ride
Know what your body’s craving baby
I’ma bring you to life
You gonn get it tonight, oh ah, oh ah

Let’s hit the sweet spot away, way, way
I, I’m ready to go, I want candy tonight
Let’s hit the sweet spot away, way, way
I, I’m ready to go, I want candy tonight
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