The Weeknd - The Zone (feat. Drake)

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The Weeknd - The Zone (feat. Drake) was added to the Free2Music database on February 20, 2019. Published the day it was watched 849 times since. Other information about free music is below.

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The Weeknd



Lyrics Title

The Zone (feat. Drake)




R&B Soul


Why you rushing me baby
It's only us our love
I don't wanna die tonight baby

So let me sip this slow
I'll give you what you called for
Just let me get in my zone
I'll be making love to her through
So let me keep my eyes closed
And I wont see a damn thing
I can't feel a damn thing
But if I touch you right
I wont see a damn thing
I can't feel a damn thing
But I'ma touch you right

I'ma touch you right, ooh yeah (let me set this slow)
I'ma touch you right (let me get inside my zone)
I'ma touch you right (just let me)

And I believe until I fall, ooh yeah
And I don't give a damn
I felt the girl before
I left it over her, baby
I didn't need no-one
But I'm here tonight baby
I've been alone for too long
Ohh, oh yeah

So, wont say a damn thing
I can't feel a damn thing
But I'ma touch you right
I can't see a damn thing

I cant feel a damn thing
But I'ma touch you right
I'ma touch you right, ooh yeah (get me set this slow)

I'ma touch you right (get me inside my zone)
I'ma touch you right (just let me)
Woah, all these broken hearts on that pole
Man if pole dancers are art
you know how many fuckin' artists I know
Got some new bills in the mail
Got some big favours I owe
Got some good things ahead of me
When these bad bitches let go
Well, girl lets go
Walk your broken heart through that door
Sit yo sexy ass on that couch
Wipe that lipstick off of your mouth
I take it slow

She in love with my crew
She said make enough so I can try some
I thought taking drugs jus' ain't you
Yeah girl, just be you
And I do this shit for my hometown
It being going down it ain't new
That's that north north, that up top
That OVO and that XO

Your girlfriend at our next show
But its all good, don't stress though
First night f-ck, never really planned it
Take a deep breath, no need to panic
Lips so French, ass so Spanish
You don't really like attention
I don't know if she gon manage out here
But she got me all up in my zone
Said she like the view I got in this place
Shit I did all of that on my own
Oh yeah
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