Fedde Le Grand - Wonder Years (Dom Tronic Remix)

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Fedde Le Grand - Wonder Years (Dom Tronic Remix) was added to the Free2Music database on November 06, 2018. Published the day it was watched 663 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Fedde Le Grand Feat. Adam McInnis

Lyrics Title

Wonder Years (Extended Mix)






I was just a simple king
In love with all the simple things
Dreaming of the places I will roam

We grew on the boulevard
When days were cold and nights were hard
Back then we were just the concrete road

And I’m falling a little bit faster into the sky
My heart has been calling the loved ones on my mind
We might not have many riches but we’re alive
Smiling through the tears and giving cheers
These are the wonder years

Did you get my messages?
I hope you're doing well my friend
Tell me of your travels overseas

If you wanna go again
I’m right around the river bend
Time ain't gonna wait for you and me

Cause we’re falling a little bit faster into the sky
My heart has been calling the loved ones on my mind
We might not have many riches but we’re alive
Smiling through the tears and giving cheers
These are the wonder years
These are the wonder years (7x)
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