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Ariana Grande - Get Well Soon (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on November 18, 2018. Published the day it was watched 762 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Ariana Grande



Lyrics Title

get well soon




Pop Soul


You can feel it, feel it
Yeah, yeah

They say my system is overloaded
(Girl, what’s wrong with you? Come back down)
I'm too much in my head, did you notice?
(Girl, what’s wrong with you? Come back down)
My body's here on Earth, but I'm floating
(Girl, what’s wrong with you? Come back down)
Disconnected, so sometimes, I feel frozen and alone

This is for everybody
Babe, you gotta take care of your body, yuh yuh
Ain't no time to deny it, that is why we talking about it
Yeah, we talking about it
To deal with it, don't try to get by it
Ain't no time to deny it
So we had to sit down and just write it

Want you to get better (Woo!)
My life is so controlled by the what-ifs
(Girl, what’s wrong with you? Come back down)
Is there anybody else whose mind does this, mmm?
(Girl, what’s wrong with you? Come back down)
Down, down, down, down
Is there such a ladder to get above this?
(Down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down)
(Girl, what’s wrong with you? Come back down)
Maybe I should ground myself where the mud is
Before I'm gone

This is for everybody
Babe, you gotta take care of your body, yuh yuh
Ain't no time to deny it, that is why we talking about it
Yeah, we talking about it
To deal with it, don't try to get by it
Ain't no time to deny it
So we had to sit down and just write it

You can work your way to the top
(You can feel it, feel it, woo)
Just know that there’s up and downs and there's drops
(You can feel it, feel it, woo)
Unfollow fear and just say "You are blocked"
(You can feel it, feel it, yuh)
Just know there is so much room at the top
(You can feel it, feel it, yuh)

Well here's one thing you can trust, yuh
It take you and me to make us
One of those days you had enough, I'll be there, yuh yuh yuh
'Cause if it ain't one thing, it's another
When you need someone to pull you out the bubble
I'll be right there just to hug you, I'll be there
Where are you? Are you home? Call me right on the phone
I'll be there, yeah, I'll be there
I don't care who is gone, you shouldn't be alone
I'll be there, there

You can work your way to the top (Woo!)
(You can feel it, feel it, woo)
(I'm with you, I'm with you, I'm with you, just call me
I'm with you, I'm with you)
Just know that there’s up and downs and there's drops
(You can feel it, feel it babe)
(I'm with you, I'm with you, I'm with you, just call me
I'm with you, I'm with you)
Unfollow fear and just say "you are blocked"
(You can feel it, feel it, yuh)
(I'm with you, I'm with you, I'm with you, just call me
I'm with you, I'm with you)
Just know there is so much room at the top
(You can feel it, feel it, yeh)
(I'm with you, I'm with you, I'm with you, just call me
No matter the issue)
No matter what, uh uh uh

Here's one thing you can trust, yuh
It take you and me to make us
One of those days you had enough, I'll be there, I'll be there
'Cause if it ain't one thing, it's another
If you need someone to pull you out the bubble
I'll be right there just to hug you, I'll be there
Where are you? Are you home? Call me right on the phone
I'll be there, yeah, I'll be there, I'll be there
I don't care who is gone, you shouldn't be alone
I'll be there, ooh, there

You can work your way to the top
(You can feel it, feel it)
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