Charlie Puth - Through It All

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Charlie Puth - Through It All was added to the Free2Music database on March 05, 2019. Published the day it was watched 685 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Charlie Puth



Lyrics Title

Through It All






You could say I lived a crazy life for a man so young
The kind of made me question my faith
Now I'm looking back just wondering where the time has gone

But I guess that's just the price you pay

I've already loved more than I thought I could love someone
I've already felt my heart break
I've already fell so many times but I got back up
But at least I did it all my way

I've been through it all
Yeah, I've been through it all
Yeah, you won't see me crying if tomorrow never comes
God only knows I've been through it all

Growing up in this wild city you had to fight or run
Now you know I'm not afraid, yeah
Maybe it's my recklessness that got me in trouble
But at least I did it all my way

I've been through it all
Yeah, I've been through it all
Yeah, you won't see me crying if tomorrow never comes
God only knows I've been through it all

Yeah, I've been through it all

I've been through it all
Yeah, I've been through it all
Yeah, you won't see me crying if tomorrow never comes
God only knows I've been through it all
You won't see me crying if tomorrow never comes
God only knows I've been through it all
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