Music Detail

Kane Brown - Excuses (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on March 10, 2019. Published the day it was watched 685 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Kane Brown


Chapter 1 - EP

Lyrics Title







Always stayin' out late, get off at 8
But you come to door at 3
Name on your phone says caller unknown

But girl you ain't foolin' me
I can see it in your eyes and all the shh you hide

All your excuses, they're always in the way
Do you think that I'm stupid, make a new one everyday
But you can't lie, girl I ain't blind
If love is just a game you play, well then you're losin'
Stupid excuses

Say you're out with your friends, try to pretend
Like I don't know what you're doing
It's funny to me, the joke is on you
And girl I see through it

All your excuses, they're always in the way
Do you think that I'm stupid, make a new one everyday
But you can't lie, girl I ain't blind
If love is just a game you play, well then you're losin'
Stupid excuses

All your excuses, they're always in the way
Do you think that I'm stupid
Girl you ain't foolin' me

All your excuses, they're always in the way
Do you think that I'm stupid, make a new one everyday
But you can't lie, girl I ain't blind
If love is just a game you play, well then you're losin'
Stupid excuses
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