Music Detail

Kane Brown - Cold Spot (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on December 08, 2018. Published the day it was watched 763 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Kane Brown


Kane Brown

Lyrics Title

Cold Spot






A cement building
White cinderblocks
And faded red lips
The sign read cold spot
He worked behind the counter
To them he was an old man
When my world was crumbling
My grandpa gave me his hand

It was crickets, minnows and kerosene
RC, moon pies and a softball team
Learned about life
Learned about girls
Learned about livin' in this cold, cruel world
It's where you bought your tag for your white-tailed deer
Where the southern baptist bought the most beer
A hole in the wall with holes in the wall
From behind this counter you saw it all
At the cold spot

It was cool in July warm in December
If I live a hundred years
I'll always remember
The song and the hum of the ceiling fan
And his north Georgia voice saying, "Buddy you can"
Out here I'm just a kid trying to make a name
I am who I am because he raised Kane selling

Crickets, minnows and kerosene
RC, moon pies and a softball team
Learned about life
Learned about girls
Learned about livin' in this cold, cruel world
It's where you bought your tag for your white-tailed deer
Where the southern baptist bought the most beer
A hole in the wall with holes in the wall
From behind this counter you saw it all
At the cold spot
Oh yeah
At the cold spot

It was crickets, minnows and kerosene
RC, moon pies and a softball team
Learned about life
Learned about girls
Learned about livin' in this cold, cruel world
It was heaven on earth when my world was hell
And the big stores came and the business failed
But all my memories are alive and well
At the cold spot
Oh yeah
At the cold spot
Take me back to the cold spot
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