Music Detail

Fifth Harmony - That's My Girl was added to the Free2Music database on January 29, 2019. Published the day it was watched 859 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Fifth Harmony


7/27 (Deluxe)

Lyrics Title

That's My Girl






That's my girl

Who's been working so damn hard?

You got that head on overload?
Got yourself this flawless body
Aching now from head to toe
Ain't nothing, ain't nothing
All my ladies 'round the world
Ain't nothing, ain't nothing
Good girls better get bad

You've been down before
You've been hurt before
You got up before
You'll be good to go, good to go
Destiny said it, you got to get up and get it
Get mad independent and don't you ever forget it
Got some dirt on your shoulder, then let me brush it off for ya
If you're feeling me, put your five high
That's my girl

That's my girl
That's my girl
That's my girl
Get up, what you waiting for?
That's my girl
That's my girl
That's my girl

Nod if you been played by every boo
Just tryna show you off
Thought he was the best you ever had
Until he cut you off
Ain't nothing, ain't nothing
Bet, you bet, you know your worth
Ain't nothing, ain't nothing
Good girls better get bad

You've been down before
You've been hurt before
You got up before
You'll be good to go, good to go
Destiny said it, you got to get up and get it
Get mad independent and don't you ever forget it
Got some dirt on your shoulder, then let me brush it off for ya
If you're feeling me, put your five high
That's my girl

That's my girl
That's my girl
That's my girl
What you wait, what you wait
What you waiting for?
That's my girl
That's my girl
That's my girl

You've been down before
You've been hurt before
You got up before
You'll be good to go, good to go
Don't ever give up, no no
Destiny said it, you got to get up and get it
Get mad independent and don't you ever forget it
Got some dirt on your shoulder, then let me brush it off for ya
If you're feeling me, put your five high
That's my girl

That's my girl
That's my girl
That's my girl
What you wait, what you wait
What you waiting for?
That's my girl
That's my girl
That's my girl
That's my girl, that's my girl
That's my girl, that's my girl

Ain't nothing, ain't nothing, ain't nothing
Put your heart and your soul in it
Ain't nothing, ain't nothing, ain't nothing
Now put your heart and your soul in it

That's my girl
That's my girl
That's my girl

That's my girl
That's my girl
That's my girl
That's my girl
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