The Weeknd - Initiation

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Music Detail

The Weeknd - Initiation was added to the Free2Music database on January 25, 2019. Published the day it was watched 947 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




The Weeknd



Lyrics Title





R&B Soul


Oh, yeah
Got you drinking out them white cups, sodas
All this shit sounds foreign to you, thick smoke, choking

Baby, get familiar with the order
Just crack it, then pour it, then sip slow, then tip low
My eyes red, but my brim low

That XO, she climbing
Straight to the top, forget why she there in the first place
No more crying, heart rate's low, put that rum down you don't wanna die tonight

I promise, when you're finished, we'll head to where I'm living
The party won't finish, it's a fucking celebration

Oh, yeah
For my niggas out tonight and they high off Shakespeare lines

There's enough to pass around, you ain't gotta wait in line
And the clocks don't work, you don't gotta check the time
And the blinds don't work, you don't gotta check the sky
We be going all night, 'till light

I got a test for you
You say you want my heart
Well baby, you can have it all
There's just something I need from you
Is to meet my boys

You've been going hard, baby
Now you rolling with some big boys, baby
Got a lot you wanna show off, baby
Close that door before you take your fucking clothes off, baby

Don't mind all my writings on the wall
I thought I passed my peak and I'll experience some fall
And all I wanna do is leave 'cause I've been zoning for a week
And I ain't left this little room, trying to concentrate to breathe

'Cause this piff so potent, killing serotonin
In that two-floor loft in the middle
We be choking on that

All black voodoo, got me gum chewing
Call one of your best friends
Baby, if you mixing up cup of that XO

Baby, I been leaning
Back from the come down
Girl, I been fiending
For another round, don't you blame it on me
When you're grinding up them teeth and it's fucking hard to sleep

I got a test for you
You say you want my heart
Well baby, you can have it all
There's just something that I need from you
Is to meet my boys

I got a lot of boys
And we can make you right
And if you get too high,

Baby, come over here and ride it out, ride it out
Work that back 'till I tire out
Roll that weed, blow the fire out
Taste that lean when you kiss my mouth
Get so wet when I eat you out
Girlfriend screaming that I'm creeping out
If they're not down, better keep em out
Ex-man hollering, keep him out

Hard to let go, I could teach you how
Take a puff of this motherfucking weed for now
Take a shot of this cognac, ease you out
Just one night, trying to fucking leave you out

Baby, baby
I got a test for you
You say you want my heart
Well baby, you can have it all
There's just something I need from you
Is to meet my boys
I got a lot of boys
And we can make you right
And if you get too high,

Baby, come over here and ride it out (ooh yeah, ooh yeah, ooh yeah)
Come over here and ride it out (ooh yeah, ooh yeah, ooh yeah)

That north north, that up top, that OVO and that XO
That north north, that up top, that OVO and that XO
That north north, that up top, that OVO and that XO
That north north, that up top, that OVO and that XO
that north north, that up top, that OVO and that XO
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