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BHAD BHABIE - No More Love (Short Vers.) was added to the Free2Music database on January 20, 2019. Published the day it was watched 639 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Bhad Bhabie



Lyrics Title

No More Love




Hip-Hop Rap


Even 12 couldn't cuff me, I write my life in these bars
They be all up in they feelings,
You know I ain't got no heart (never)
February on a bitch (yop),
Leave ya boyfriend scarred (scarred)
I gave you ass all type of chances,
But you couldn't play the part
That's why, I got no more no more no more love (no more love)
I got no more no more no more love
(I got no more love)
I got no more no more no more love
(I got no more love)
I got no more no more no more love

Remember you told me you was down, switched sides on me quick
Put them rumors in the streets
I guess we ain't have shit
How you lie'd in my face? (How?)
You as fake as it gets
Them tables turned on yo ass, now watch how real this shit gets
I had to teach her a lesson
I knew that bitch a finesser
I didn't fold under pressure
I hid that work in my dresser
My hustle game was impressive
Up in the hills, no reception, wallet ain't in a recession
Pray to the lord for these blessings
Right now I'm swimming in checks
I need all these bags, I don't need nothing lesser
You see me came up, you see my chain up
I switched my game up, working on my anger
I'm blowing these lames up, no I still ain't changed up (nope)
No I still ain't changed up

Even 12 couldn't cuff me, I write my life in these bars
They be all up in they feelings,
You know I ain't got no heart (never)
February on a bitch (yop), leave ya boyfriend scarred (scarred)
I gave you ass all type of chances,
But you couldn't play the part
That's why, I got no more no more no more love (no more love)
I got no more no more no more love
(I got no more love)
I got no more no more no more love
(I got no more love)
I got no more no more no more love
(No more love)
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