Lil Yachty - WHOLE lotta GUAP (Audio)

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Lil Yachty - WHOLE lotta GUAP (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on February 05, 2019. Published the day it was watched 725 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Lil Yachty


Lil Boat 2

Lyrics Title





Hip-Hop Rap


Whole lotta honeys (ooh)
Too many bands, I can't thumb it (ooh)
Whole lotta honeys (ooh)

Too many bands, I can't thumb it (ooh)
Whole lotta honeys (ooh)
Too many bands, I can't thumb it (ooh)

Watch how I thumb it (yeah)
Choppa, it came with a drum kit
I hit the jaw for the kicks
I fucked a bitch in the back
I got a 6 and a 2
I got a 12 and the 8
Ooh, how that taste?
Baby (fuck it up, fuck it up)
Eat it up, huh
Upgrade the whip, had to lift it up
Brother locked up, he would whip it up
Whippity-whip it, whip it up
Got a choppa in the kitchen
Hundred bitches, they all with it
And I ball like I'm Pippen
I don't fall when you sippin'
Never see me limpin'
Used to ride 'round in the Lincoln
Beat on that pussy, it's leakin'
Hit it one time, now she geekin'
Baby you trippin', start tweakin'
You know we fuck on the weekend

I got a crib at the top (top)
Brother, he stay on the block (what)
Brother, he sip on the wop (what)
I get a whole lotta guap (guap)
I get a whole lotta guap (guap)
I get a whole lotta guap (guap)
Whole lotta, whole lotta, whole lotta guap (guap)
I get a whole lotta guap (guap)
Used to have work in the sauce
I'm talkin' pieces that hit (yeah)
Bro got the stickies
Bro got the bullets that hit
Bullets, they hit
All of my diamonds, they hit (man down)
I get a whole lotta guap (guap)
I get a whole lotta guap (guap)
Whole lotta, whole lotta, whole lotta guap (guap)

Free my bro Reese out the slammer
Reese when he walk with the hammer
Everyday Christmas, everyday Christmas
Baby girl, tell me your wishlist
Fuckin' a bitch, oh that's your thot
Damn, now she a mistress
I'm in the basement like Tigger
This lil' white bitch call me "nigga"
Long as she don't call me bro
Dick in her throat till she choke
Me and the gang make it rain
Tell me, lil' bitch can you float
Walk in the club with the scope
Diamond chains, fuck ropes
Ayy, whole lotta guap
I get a whole lotta guap
Fuck that lil' bitch out her socks
Teach a stripper 'bout stocks
Stalk, all of these bitches they stalk
Watch how a young nigga walk
I put the Bentley in park

I got a crib at the top (top)
Brother, he stay on the block (what)
Brother, he sip on the wop (what)
I get a whole lotta guap (guap)
I get a whole lotta guap (guap)
I get a whole lotta guap (guap)
Whole lotta, whole lotta, whole lotta guap (guap)
I get a whole lotta guap (guap)
Used to have work on the sauce
I'm talkin' pieces that hit (yeah)
Bro got the stickies
Bro got the bullets that hit
Bullets, they hit
All of my diamonds, they hit (man down)
I get a whole lotta guap (guap)
I get a whole lotta guap (guap)
Whole lotta, whole lotta, whole lotta guap (guap)
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