Alison Wonderland - Cry (Bleep Bloop Remix / Audio) ft. Buddy

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Alison Wonderland - Cry (Bleep Bloop Remix / Audio) ft. Buddy was added to the Free2Music database on December 13, 2018. Published the day it was watched 620 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Alison Wonderland


Awake (The Remixes)

Lyrics Title

Cry (feat. Buddy)






I was a, I was a, I was a, I was a
I was a, I was a, I was a, I was a
I was a, I was a, I was a ghost
I was a ghost that couldn't leave that world behind me
I didn’t know I needed someone who could quieten my mind
You walked in, I wanted to jump you
I'd fallen but I tried to keep cool
It's cliché but I got to tell you

I just wanna make a grown man cry
I just wanna make a grown man cry
I just wanna let you know you’re mine
I just wanna fuck you all the time
I just wanna make a grown man cry

I felt awake (I felt awake) because you started to remind me
It's no mistake that we both like space and David Attenborough
And lemonade and anime
You walked in, I wanted to jump you
I'd fallen but I tried to keep cool
It's cliché but I got to tell you

'Cause I just wanna make a grown man cry
Cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry
I just wanna make a grown man cry
I just wanna make a grown man cry
I just wanna let you know you're mine
I just wanna fuck you all the time
I just wanna make a grown man cry

I'm from LA
Where we smoke weed and get the money
I can't be played, bitch
Ain’t got no time to waste
I’ve heard it all before
And I've had enough
Oh, you mad as fuck (Psh)
I be calling, she ignoring
She be calling, I be honest
Got me hot ’cause she acting like
She don't fuck with me no more
Back and forth with all this talking
Damn that shit be so annoying
Why can't we just do the things that we do when we all alone?
Out in public acting stubborn
Don't be frontin’, girl you love me
Every time she hit the crib
She fucking me on the low, low
Baby, why you messing with my mind?

'Cause I just wanna make a grown man cry, yeah
Damn, I just wanna make a grown man cry
Why you gotta be like that? (Oh-oh)
Baby, I'm right here
I just wanna make a grown man cry
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