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Lil Peep - 4 GOLD CHAINS ft. Clams Casino was added to the Free2Music database on December 07, 2018. Published the day it was watched 773 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Lil Peep feat. Clams Casino

Lyrics Title

4 Gold Chains






She's tryna find the words, tryna find this girl
But it's so dark, I was under club lights
Find this girl, find

She's tryna find the words, I'm tryna find this girl
But it's so dark, and I was under club lights
Call me on my iPhone, I don't pick it up much
I've been losin' friends, I don't feel right

Four gold chains, gave two to my brothers (two to my brothers)
Fame bring pain, but the pain make money (pain make money)
Keep it one hunnit, baby girl, what's your number? (Girl, what's your number?)
Girls numb the pain and the drugs get me numb-er (drugs get me numb-er)
Four gold chains, gave two to my brothers (two to my brothers)
Fame bring pain, but the pain make money (pain make money)
Keep it one hunnit, baby girl, what's your number? (Girl, what's your number?)
Girls numb the pain and the drugs get me numb-er (drugs get me numb-er)

Four gold chains, gave two to my brothers (two to my brothers)
Four gold chains, gave two to my brothers (two to my brothers)
I need four whips, so I can give 'em to my brothers, yeah (give 'em to my brothers)
I need four cribs, so I can give 'em to my mother, yeah (give 'em to my mother, yeah)
My mom, that's all I got... yeah...

Four gold chains, gave two to my brothers
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